Monday, December 15, 2008
OK... I need a new blinkie
Any ideas??
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Terminally Unique Designs Christmas Collab Kit!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Brynna's Kit is ready!! Holy Buckets!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Come On, Ride The Train...
Honored Scraps - Patty
Friday, October 31, 2008
Ah, November
*sigh* Changed the layout of the blog again. I like the 3 column better, personally. I wish I could have figured out how to get one of the fancy-schmancy ones to work. I kept getting an error code, and by the time I was done - I was seeing stars. So I just edited this template to give me another column.
Yes that was almost as rough, but in the end, I like the colors and the look of this one. Next time I decide to do it again though, y'all have permission to smack me. Seriously.
Tonight we didn't have too many trick or treaters. I was surprised, given the fact that it was in the 70's today. An absolutely gorgeous fall day. Oh well, at least those few that stopped by got lots of candy from us! We emptied the bowl - so we weren't tempted by the leftovers. Not that I'm a huge fan of smiley-face gumballs....
Anyhoo. It's November now. Well, in 30 minutes it will be.
Time to put up the Christmas lights (while the weather is still good) and set up the tree. Now, before you think I'm crazy - which if you know me, it's too late - we got a new kitten back in June. Boo is now 10 months old and into everything. I'm thinking of putting up the tree (no lights or decorations, you weirdos) so he has the chance to get used to it. I'm thinking it would be better to have to pick up an undecorated tree over and over than one with ornaments and stuff on it. Hope fully he'll get used to it and there will be no trouble.
Wishful thinking.
I'll keep you posted. Wish us luck.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Updates, updates...
I had to get a new PC. The power in our house spiked, causing my PC to get fried. Oh yay. Thankfully I'd been burning things to disk and had just ordered a new removable external 350MB drive for backups. Thank God for small favors, because I was able to recover everything but a few tubes from CILM. I think they were Rion Vernon tubes. Oh well, lesson learned.
Backup, backup, backup!!! Point taken.
So I've updated my blinkie links, added a chat box thingiemabob, and added a link to my friend Patty's blog so you can read about her niece, Brynna. She went through some tough crap, but kids are resilient, and I'm praying she'll pull through this and be able to grow up a healthy, happy young woman. Patty is putting together a collaboration scrap kit to sell for Brynna & charity, and if I have photos to "match" their theme then I will be donating them to her to use.
OK. I really need to get back to work. I work from home one day a week to save on gas, and I'm spittin' this out at lunchtime. I need to eat and get back to the grind.
I got an award!!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I am no longer requiring licenses to use my artwork
What can I use your photography to make?
You can use my images to create (including, but not limited to) the following: signature tags (but NO blank tags!), IncrediMail stationery, Outlook stationery, web sets, and websites. Feel free to contact me if you don't see what you're looking for listed here. Heck, as long as you credit me for the photo - knock yourself out!
What kind of copyright credit do you require?
On any of my images used alone, please put the following info somewhere on the finished graphic: ©Dea Liang If it will be used with another artist, please put the following info somewhere on the graphic: Photo ©Dea Liang Please make sure it is CLEARLY visible/legible. Any stationery (stats) created featuring my photos must contain copyright credits in two places: 1. By the actual artwork on the stat, and 2. In the credits at the bottom of the stat. I appreciate you giving credit where it's due. Thank you.
What can I do with your photos?
You MAY crop, tube, resize (but don't make them look all wonky), colorize to monochromatic/black & white, add sparkles, mist, blur, and animate them. You can use them in tutorials, as long as you indicate you purchased the art and direct people here to purchase their own images. Or, simply print them out and frame them. I'm sure they'd make loverly Christmas presents! Still curious? Then drop me a line -
What can't I do with your photos?
You may NOT share them, recolor them, create blank tags, claim them as your own (obviously), use them without proper credit to me, make any monetary gain from selling them or the finished product, use them to promote pornography, use them to promote violence/abuse towards or against humans/animals, or use them to promote hatred or racism.
Can I use your photography in conjunction with another artist?
I have no problem with it as long as you credit me for the photo (see Copyright info above) - but please make sure the other artist you'll be using has nothing in their Terms of Use against it. Some artists don't like you to use photography with their work that requires a second copyright. I personally have no problem with sharing a copyright on a finished product. I'm not picky. Hehehe
Do you use a special kind of camera?
Not really. Right now I'm just using an everyday Nikon COOLPIX L11 digital quick-shot type camera with a fairly decent zoom. I'm going to be asking Santa for a nicer one this Christmas, though!
Are those your flowers/animals?
The greater majority of the flowers are mine. All the animals are mine, too (including the squirrel, Walter) - or rather, I am theirs.
Do you shoot anything in particular?
Not really. I typically shoot flowers because of my garden. The cats, if they'll sit still, will tolerate me in their faces with the flash for only so long. The scenery is Kansas City and surrounding areas, unless I'm on vacation - which I haven't been on in years, so it's all KC. LOL I pretty much shoot whatever catches my eye.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Lily's garden - scrapkit by DreamersFX
It's called Lily's Garden - and she's even agreed to let me offer it here exclusively. Just go HERE to download. If you download it - leave some love (either here or there). She worked hard to make this kit and deserves lotsa love. LOL
DreamersFX/Dreamer Terms of Use:
All DreamersFX/Dreamer items are for personal use only. No commercial use is allowed under any circumstances.
Please do not claim these scraps as your own.
You may resize or colourize them to suit your projects, tags etc.
Please do not change the filenames.
Please do not upload to any website (except for tutorial writers)
Tutorial Writers:
If you are a tutorial writer and are using any of my scraps in your tutorials you may share all or part of the kit. You are welcome to link to my original 4shared link or upload the files to your own site. Please do not change the file names. Please give credit to DreamersFX
MSN Groups:
You may use any of my scraps in any of your challenges. Please share the original preview (save the one above) and credit DreamersFX
No link is required to DreamersFX. Just in case you need the link, though, here it is:
Dreamer, owner of DreamersFX
~Dreams are Free so Free your Dreams~
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Now we're rolling!
The floral slideshow contains shots of flowers from my garden & yard last year - before the killing frost we had wiped a bunch out. I must have done something good, though, because all my bulbs multiplied! Woo Hoo! I can't wait to shoot some more once they bloom.
The furry things album are my "kids". Caspian, the fuzzy black & white princess; Silas, the big gray chicken butt; and Macaroni. Good old tub-o-Mac. He's my bubby and I spoil him rotten. So there. Nyah. He's also an attention-monger, so most of my pictures are of him. The other two run and hide.
As far as seeking representation from AMI or CILM, I think I will hold off and do my own thing for now. I have some tagger friends that I can bounce ideas off of. Tagging, by the way, is using a graphics program like Paint Shop Pro or PhotoShop to create images, or "tags", to be used in email, forums, blogs, MySpace, websites, etc. I've been tagging for a few years now and have opened my own "Always List" (see link below-right: Lillerz' Alwayz Lizt) on the advice of a few dear friends. I even tagged my own header - I love Rion Vernon's artwork!
Anyhoo... I should probably wrap this up. It's getting crazy outside. I'm enjoying the sweet symphony of sirens, thunder, and the ever-popular "Kansas State Tree" - otherwise known as a Tornado Siren. Yep, we're under a tornado watch until 1am and a severe thunderstorm warning until then as well. Yay. I'm going to get zero sleep tonight! Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.
Night Night - and leave me some love if you have an idea about my photos :o)